Young And Unemployed

Credential inflation, dwindling businesses, economic meltdown, you’ve heard it all. But what about the person steering the wheel? Yes, you.

The world is constantly evolving and with it sees the rise and fall of sectors, countries and trends. Of all the variables, one has been steadily rising and it’s global literacy.

The steady rise of global literacy rate has triggered a surge in the number of degree holders and also the immense growth and birth of sectors and industries in the world; which equals to MORE JOBS. Too many degree holders and tough competition have been the usual antagonists in this case for too long and it’s time we identify and break down 4 other unglamorous factors behind this incessant trial.


Everyone signs up for a specific course for a specific reason and that’s why an architect signed up for a degree in Architecture and not in Actuarial Science. Some graduates tend to be too rigid and firm with their career goals that they see no other way of achieving it than securing their dream job. Being too picky in applying; sometimes even in choosing, a job eventually drags out their unemployment period and make them seem like a less competent graduate when put against their peers in the long run.
Branch out, and go for an adventure in uncharted fields. Try out for jobs outside of your field of study and gather transferable skills which might come in handy for you in the future when you have finally secured your dream job. Waiting isn’t bad, but let your hands never go idle. Gather some experience and expand your list of skills in preparation for that dream job.


Being a graduate means you have met the requirements to practising your study outside of the classrooms and ultimately in your career. All specialist skills are at your disposal, all aspects of the study covered. But what about the future-defining aspect of career building? The how-to-apply-for-a-job aspect. Most graduates have a hard time writing comprehensive CVs and cover letters to support their job application and some even find it harder to express themselves well in interviews which usually; often painfully, result in them not securing their dream job. A little researching and study on the flows and mechanics of the matter (who to call, what to say, what to write, how to dress, what words to use) would help, and it could even turn out to be the only help they’ve been needing all along.


“The key to disappointment is high expectation.”

Outside the usual context within romantic novels this sentence is commonly used in, it holds its truth still in this tribulation. Cases of graduates demanding for roof-shattering salary are common and there is no other way to handle this than to blatantly say that every thing takes time. Having solely a degree is no longer a symbol of entitlement of a high-paying job. Plus, your first job may not necessarily be your last, so there is still a lot of time and space for you to personally grow and outperform your yesteryear self and watch as your salary grow with your promotions or job change. Aside from salary, fresh graduates sometimes hold an unrealistic expectation of their dream job being exactly as how they dreamt of it. A walk in the park, lucrative, flexible and with other imaginable perks.

So again, yeah, the key to disappointment is high expectation.


Contrary to the reason above, this one demoralizes fresh graduates in the opposite way but with the same degree of damage. The real world comes unannounced and sudden, and this experience could be overwhelming to some and causes them to lose confidence in themselves. The job descriptions / requirements sections are usually their worst nightmare in which where all their insecurities dance gleefully before their eyes.

Chin up, you deserve all the chances in the world. You have completed your studies, your transcripts and certificates are there to reaffirm the fact and YOU can do it.


(And here’s a random photo of a very beautiful condominium near KL Sentral that I took before a recent job interview)

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