5 Must-Have Apps For Android Users (June 2017)

Apps, Lifestyle, Smartphone, Tech

The recent Mobile World Congress in Barcelona witnesses so many innovations and breakthroughs for 2017 that the divide between the future and the present is starting to sound irrelevant. Is it still there even?

Anyway, if you’re planning to buy any one of the amazing new phones recently launched at the MWC, or any other phones, there’s usually an underlying concern in making sure that the new phone can serve you with all its majestic new features without having to sacrifice the comfort and familiarity of your old phone. Hence, the idea that led the birth of this list as a mean to ease your transition to using and welcoming your new phone. The following list will be comprised of apps that I believe would make that brand new phone; and your current phone too, better in terms of its usability, personalisation and functionality. So here are the apps (in no particular order):