iOS 11 for iPhone; Features, Release Date and Beta Program.

Articles, ios, Tech

If you’re a die-hard fan of Apple, or their products, then the coming of iOS 11 into the digital world in the near future is not a news unfamiliar to you by now. The latest iteration of the operating system is promised to pack new convenient features that lean more towards the sharing and multitasking spectrum than other aspects of the OS which have also been improved. So what are the new features? When will it be released? Is there a beta for said iOS? How to install the beta into your iPhones and iPads? We’ll get to that and more later, but first let’s take a look at what to expect from this latest version of iOS:


Header of the iOS 11 preview section on Apple’s official website with the tagline: “A giant step for iPhone. A monumental leap for iPad.”

“A giant step for iPhone. A monumental leap for iPad.” if the tagline is an indicator of the direction Apple is taking with the new iOS 11, then it is safe for us to expect more new features for the iPads than for the iPhones. Either way both will benefit a lot from the upgrade considering the adjectives Apple decided to use for the tagline; ‘giant’ and ‘monumental’, so let’s get our expectations high, take that giant step forward and absorb in the magnificence that is the iOS 11.


iPhone features:


Live Photos editing.

The Live Photos feature has been around since 2016 and it has been garnering avid users  and lovers ever since with another sect of iOS users taking the indifferent approach towards the feature with reason of it being lacking of practicality and usability. Well, that indifference might change with the new iOS 11 as Live Photos will be sporting a feature that allows Live Photos to be edited with 5 editing functions; Trim, change default key photo, Bounce, Loop and Long Exposure, so that you can finally fully utilise this 2015 feature alongside your creativity and quirkiness.

Trim and change default key photo are features commonly found in video editing software and apps but the latter with a usually different assigned name. Trim allows you to remove unwanted portions of the captured Live Photo thus making sure that only the best shots stay. The latter is useful for when you pressed the shutter milliseconds late and captured a blurry photo but luckily Live Photo managed to capture the shot you wanted before you press the shutter. This function operates by letting you pick a specific still image from any shots within the brief videos on either side of your captured Live Photo and later sets the picked image as the new key photo of the Live Photo. It’s like going back in time and recapturing a badly taken photo.

Here’s the fun part – Bounce, Loop and Long Exposure.

Bounce edits your Live Photo by pre-selecting a starting and end point for your Live Photo before playing the collective photos in a usual forward motion before playing it in reverse, hence the name Bounce.

As for Loop, the name tells its story itself. This function plays a selected Live Photo to look like it goes on forever without stopping, like a .gif.

Lastly, the Long Exposure. Photographers will love this! This editing function works by merging the short video captured by the Live Photo feature with the photo you captured with the press of the shutter into one new image. One new image where the moving lamplight in that short video becomes one long streak of scarlet light trails with your city’s architecture visualising itself majestically as in that photo you snapped.


No notifications while driving.

In this new feature called the Do Not Disturb While Driving Mode, your device will automatically detect via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi when you’re driving by taking into account how fast you’re moving and will allow no notifications to fill up your lock screen while in motion. This feature will requires your permission before operating as it will come into launch when it detects ‘driving’ motion which includes your bus trip, so no worries on having the feature operating untimely. When activated, the screen will go blank whenever you try to view it as a safety measure which is pretty neat.


Siri gets an upgrade.

With the new iOS, Siri will sound more natural and human-like unlike its usual robot-like manner of speech with the added ability to translate English phrases into Mandarin Chinese, German, Spanish, Italian and French. The translation will be in both written and audio format so no more talking nonsense gibberish to locals the next time you’re traveling. Thank you Siri!



App Store, reinvented.


Credit: Apple

The App Store will look remotely familiar to you after its latest makeover with a Today tab welcoming you upon the app’s launch in which an App Of The Day will be thoroughly highlighted here to help you find apps and games you never knew you needed before. Despite the name, the Today tab won’t just appear for a day and disappear completely the next day. You can scroll back this tab to previous days’ entries as a mean by Apple to help you discover overlooked new apps and providing more exposure for in-store contents; a move believed to be highly anticipated and appreciated by app developers.

There will also be a separate tab for both games and apps highlighting on newly published contents and handpicked apps selected by Apple editors. These tabs will also be showcasing available and ongoing in-game offers and promotions which in turn will help app developers with bridging the reachability between consumers to their products. Another tidbit worth mentioning is the ‘Games You Might Like’ category where the App Store will recommend you apps and games that you might like based on your previous downloads.


A more versatile Messages app.

In Android-powered smartphones, sharing across apps has been a very powerful feature and it has been consistently developed as to accommodate a wider range of sharing options. Sharing files between platforms and apps is a breeze in that territory with very little known limitations within the function as is visible in trying to share links/images/texts from your browser to your social media app or email as opposed to iOS’ tiring procedures to even import a picture into a photo-editing app. And with this upcoming update to the glorified OS, Apple is looking towards perfecting iOS’ sharing capability with their improved Messages app. Firstly, sharing your location via text will be a lot easier than it currently is in iOS 10 as the app will now be equipped with a strip containing access to other apps that are compatible for in-app use with Messages.

You will also be able to conduct Apple Pay cash transactions and transfer via the Messages app. Apple Pay is feature by Apple that lets you pay for your shopping with the money from your debit and credit cards without having to endure the struggle of reaching to your pocket and carefully scan through your wallet for that one card to make a payment. Read about how Apple Pay works here and come back here to realise the weight of this paragraph’s opening sentence. Yes, you will be able to send/transfer Apple Pay cash to anyone via the Messages app without the need to install third-party apps anymore – consumers and businesses will prosper greatly from this clever update as it saves a lot of time for both parties. Apart from these two functions, URL sharing will also be integrated into the app via the 3D Touch (3D Touch only available in select models) where you would have to 3D touch a URL or a link and slide your finger up to bring up the menu in which an additional ‘Share’ button will be present at where it was not present in the current iOS version.


Other new and cool features.

Other worth mentioning added updates and perks include:

  • Customisable Control Centre.
  • All notifications shown on the lock screen.
  • A more precise Maps, with added capability of indoor maps and directions.
  • QuickType keyboard for one handed typing where the keys will move closer to the left or right side of the screen depending on your preferred setting.
  • Automatic Setup – easily import settings and iCloud Keychain passwords from another iOS device to your new iPhone or iPad.

iOS 11 is set to roll out to compatible devices this autumn and will be available for iPhone model 5s and above. Apple had recently launched the iOS 11 beta on June 26th 2017 and you can sign up for the program on their website or by clicking this link to the signup page – Apple Beta Software Program.

So that’s about it with the iOS 11 for iPhones. Now if this is a ‘giant step’ as indicated by Apple with their tagline, imagine how even more powerful and capable the ‘monumental leap’ is in iPads! A look on that in our next article, so see you excited guys there.

Are there any new added perks we haven’t included into the list? Tell us in the comment section below!

5 Must-Have Apps For Android Users (June 2017)

Apps, Lifestyle, Smartphone, Tech

The recent Mobile World Congress in Barcelona witnesses so many innovations and breakthroughs for 2017 that the divide between the future and the present is starting to sound irrelevant. Is it still there even?

Anyway, if you’re planning to buy any one of the amazing new phones recently launched at the MWC, or any other phones, there’s usually an underlying concern in making sure that the new phone can serve you with all its majestic new features without having to sacrifice the comfort and familiarity of your old phone. Hence, the idea that led the birth of this list as a mean to ease your transition to using and welcoming your new phone. The following list will be comprised of apps that I believe would make that brand new phone; and your current phone too, better in terms of its usability, personalisation and functionality. So here are the apps (in no particular order):